Brother's Keeper version 6.6

This page was last updated on 27-Jun-2015

Go to the bottom of this page to download version 6.6 of the program. (Not the new 7. version.)

This page provides information about version 6.6 of BK. (This page is not for the newer BK 7. version.) You may download the program free from this web site. Currently the 6.6 version is available in English, Norwegian, French (Canadian), French (Belgium), German, Danish, Icelandic and Czech and there are language files for Dutch, Dutch (Belgium), Slovenian, Slovak, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Polish, Catalan, Portuguese, and Afrikaans (no foreign help files for those languages yet.) Check this page each month to see what updates are available. The BKSETUP6.EXE file contains ALL the languages mentioned above. If you want Norwegian, French, Danish, Dutch, or Swedish, and if you already have BK 6.0 or 6.1 or 6.2 or 6.3, 6.4 or 6.5 installed, those languages are currently also in BKUPDTF.EXE. The file BKUPDATE.EXE contains only English.

Translators click here for Word6set 1.40 dated 23-Feb-2014

Version 6.6 is available on the BK 7. CD. The cost for the CD for registered users who update is $24 if you want the new printed manual and the CD, or $19 for the CD only. Check the BK online store for details.

To read about other new features in BK 6.6 see the Recent Changes page.

Click here to read about how BK6 is different from BK5

If you want to download Brother's Keeper 6 you can click the link below and download either BKSETUPE.EXE which is the English only version (about 14 megabytes) or BKSETUP6.EXE which contains all languages (over 38 megabytes.)

Note: If you already have the regular BK 6.0 or 6.1 or 6.2 or 6.3 or 6.4 or 6.5 or 6.6 installed, you can download just BKUPDATE.EXE which is about 8 megabytes. You only need to download ONE file.

If you start the install program and it says "corrupt installation" or it says the file size is smaller than expected, then the download did not finish. In that case, download again.

You only need to download ONE of the six files below.

(If you are getting any error related to a DLL or OCX file, then download one of the first 3 files below)

Download Full Program

version 6.6.19. - 27-Jun-2015

If you do NOT have a working BK6 already, pick one of these three choices and pick RUN

Download FULL program BKSETUPE.EXE (English only, 14 megs)

Download FULL program BKSETUP6.EXE (plus all languages mentioned, 38 megs)

Download BKSETUP6.ZIP same as above but in .zip format (use this only if you can not download EXE files - 38 megs)

Note: the 6.6 language translations are included for Danish, German, BEFrench, French, Dutch, Dutch2, Afrikaans, Polish, Norwegian, Slovak, and Swedish.

Download Update

version 6.6.19. - 27-Jun-2015

If you DO have BK6 already and it runs without any DLL errors, pick one of these three choices and pick RUN

If you ALREADY HAVE BK6 working correctly and ONLY want English, download BKUPDATE.EXE

If you already have BK6 working correctly and want English, Norwegian, Danish, French, Dutch, or Swedish download BKUPDTF.EXE

If you already have BK6 working correctly and want English, or German download BKUPDTG.EXE

If you use a language other than English, Norwegian, Danish, French, Dutch, German, or Swedish, you can either download the BKUPDATE.EXE file for the program update only, or the BKSETUP6.EXE file to also get the current language update - if there is one.

Click here to view the recent changes and bugs fixes in version 6.6

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